Are there any reasons to learn Spanish for your vacation in Cancun?
Have you tried to learn Spanish for your next Cancun experience? Come and see the benefits of doing so and start learning right away with this article.
When traveling to an All Inclusive resort in Cancun, Mexico you may be aware that the waiters and other staff usually speak English to accommodate their guests. So is it really worthwhile to learn any before you go or is it worth or time to learn Spanish on your next vacation?
Let us dig deeper into this subject and discuss the idea of learning some Spanish and whether it is worth the effort before your next trip to Excellence Playa Mujeres or Excellence Riviera Cancun.
Do you need to speak Spanish?
Quite simply, no. You do not need to speak or learn Spanish if you are visiting an All Inclusive resort in Cancun. This is because all of the services and amenities have been carefully adapted to accommodate English speaking guests to enhance their comfort and bring that touch of home to their vacation.
Even if you are heading out of the resort, the concierge can arrange transportation for you, organize anything you need, and assist you at any time throughout your visit.

What are the benefits of speaking some Spanish?
However, just because Spanish is not a vacation necessity, does not mean that it is necessarily useless. Keep reading and have a look at some of the reasons why you might want to consider learning some basic phrases in the language of the country you are visiting.
Learning can be a fun experience
The things that you will come away remembering from your vacation in Cancun are usually related to the wonderful experiences you enjoyed and the things that you learned along the way. By taking some time to learn some Spanish during your Cancun trip, you can create some memories and come away with some things you learned that will stick with you for all time.
You may just find that by practicing some new phrases in a different language you enhance your excitement leading up to the vacation and you continue to enjoy being able to actually use what you learned during your stay.
It is also a quick way to break the ice with the staff which always leads to some fun moments and memories.

Deepen your understanding of the culture
Tours and guides can boost your overall knowledge about a place and you can enjoy many cultural wonders this way. However, the true flavor of the country is always going to be in its mother tongue.
To really feel the Mexican spirit and to get the most out of every experience, every random signpost and to listen to the locals speaking in their native language is an immersion that can only be acquired by understanding some of the local language.
Though not a requirement, speaking some Spanish will open your ears to a new side of the country that you had yet to explore and give you a deeper understanding of the people, the places, and the vast characteristics of the Mexican way of life.
The local reactions to your efforts
Since it is not expected that you are going to try and speak to the local residents in their language it is always a welcome surprise when you do. Even if your Spanish is a little rusty, the effort you put in to speak to the local population in their language goes a long way and you may even see their face light up in glee as you greet them in Spanish.

This is a way that you can make the local Spanish speaking community see that you care about their culture and traditions and are trying to accommodate them. Even though they likely speak English, this effort can bring out a great big smile from the person you are talking to.
Make friends in another language
Another thing to consider is that, when you speak more than one language, you have double the opportunities for social interactions. You might end up making new friends in the resort where you are staying as many people do, but instead of being limited to just English, you can socialize with Spanish speakers as well.
If you are looking to improve your language skills this is also a great opportunity because if you can get together with a Spanish speaker and exchange contact information, you now have someone that you can practice your Spanish with even after you leave the country.
Useful phrases for your Cancun vacation
Yes, you can learn during your next vacation in Cancun or even before! Let us take a look at some basic phrases that will set you on your way to becoming a savvy traveler in Central America.
Hola (oh-lah)
How are you?
Como estas? (coh-moh eh-stas)
Very well and you?
Muy bien y tu? (moo-ee bee-ehn yee too?)
Thank you very much
Muchas gracias (moo-chas grah-see-ahs)
Your welcome
De nada (deh nah-dah)
Por favor (pohr fah-vorh)
Just a minute
Un momento (oon moh-men-toe)
I would like…
Me gustaria…(meh goos-tah-ree-ah…)
It was delicious
Fue delicioso (foo-eh deh-liz-ee-oh-so)
Where is….
Donde esta…(don-deh eh-sta)
How much is it?
Cuanto cuesta? (coo-anto coo-eh-sta)
Can you take me to…
Me puedes llevar a…(meh poo-eh-dehs yeh-var ah)
See you tomorrow
Hasta mañana (ah-sta man-yarn-ah)
See you later
Hasta luego (ah-sta loo-eh-goh)
See you soon
Hasta pronto (ah-sta prohn-toe)
Adios (ah-dee-ohs)
Practice your Spanish in Cancun
These few phrases are just the beginning. There are a ton of free apps and websites for learning Spanish and if you do a little bit every day, and try to listen to the language as much as possible, then you could be speaking Spanish during your next vacation in Excellence Playa Mujeres or Excellence Riviera Cancun.
Tags: Caribbean travel tips, Excellence Playa Mujeres, Excellence Riviera Cancun
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